Predictive Artificial intelligence for Global Effect (PAiGE)
PAiGE is an AI/ML/DL/LLM system designed to improve the overall cost, schedule, and technical quality of the Target System Analysis development process. The PAiGE system provides the following significant capabilities:
  • Provides a single location for submitting search requests across a variety of Authoritative and Non-Authoritative intelligence sources use semantic reasoning to determine relevance of information before ingesting.
  • Stores data in a PKI secured objectized manner, parse for duplicates, leverage robust ontologies, and train dynamic AI models to increase insight and exponentially increase density of your data.
  • Efficiently analyzes data inside semantically enhanced framework to lower the Signal-to-Noise ratio, automate workflow driven template generation, and introduce AI enabled probabilistic modeling for predictive analysis.
  • Connect and convolve previous TSA efforts into the overall dataset to construct an accurate and enriched real time digital twin of the battlespace
  • Deliver a thematic interface that allows the end user to down select their way to the best possible targeting solution with direct exportation to JTIMS software of choice